Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A New Day

We are all looking for the magic formula to make everything better in our lives. I do believe a formula exists, however it is not magic. You have probably heard of a feller by the name of Tiger Woods. He has become one of the most dominant golfers of our time. How do you think he got to be so good? Was there a magic pill, potion, e-book or the greatest gadget since sliced bread? The answer is NO. Tiger Woods became successful in the only way possible. He always worked to be better today then he was yesterday. Simply put, he worked on Him.

As a society we tend to worry about the doom and gloom in our lives. We tend to dwell on our set backs instead of our triumphs. I wish we could forget about our troubles as fast as we forget about our blessings. We worry about our competition when in fact our greatest foe is ourselves. If you want to be better than the masses, make yourself better, work on you.

I read an article about Michael Phelps that made me look at things in a different way. The article was talking about his success and how he trained. He focused on how fast he wanted to swim. He wrote down the times he wanted to achieve and worked to achieve them. Most of us know what he accomplished with 8 gold medals, although he did not reach all the times he set for himself. After all of the success he has had he still works to achieve the original goal he set for himself. He works to be a better Michael Phelps, instead of just being better than the so called competition. The swimmer next to him is not his competition, Michael Phelps is.

There is a book you must read that if nothing else will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. It was written in the early 1900's. I just read it. WOW! The title is "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles. If you want things to get better in your life? Read the book. It won't take long. Get ready for a new day.

Everything you need to be successful in life is at your finger tips. The power to change is already inside you.

Here is a website that will wake you up.

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